Monday, August 16, 2010

the Realities Concerning Love

The maddening thing about democracy
is that it makes a rough life for the weird and the weak.
The crowd's ideals and goals are easy:
you don't have to think and you don't have to speak.
A traditional love affair starts with a kiss on the cheek.
Your eyes filled with tears with every concession you made;
life was so miserable before you were gay.

A home can be more than a place
to take off the shoes and rest tired old feet.
A double bed shouldn't be crowded by
two unhappy people in a dusty basement suite.
Days shouldn't be spent walking
confused squares and circles on downtown streets.
You used to feel like you were trapped in a bank robber's safe;
the sun never shone before you were gay.

Poets were the worst liars. Their illusion of
true love didn’t turn out so fucking grand.
Nothing would have worked, a marriage
or a string of drunken one night stands:
they all just clumsily pawed at your clothes,
your body with sandpaper hands.
You’d say yes to any boy that asked for a date;
love was so peculiar before you were gay.


alfy said...

What is boldly not said, seems to be that all those peculiarities that "were" are now not not only gone, but replaced with better things.
I like what's not said.
There's music in it.

prairie.bohemian said...

"Poets were the worst liars. Their illusion of true love didn’t turn out so fucking grand."

YES, YES, YES!!! Oh how incredibly true. I will surely share this truth with others, and be sure to credit you as the author.

Well said. Very well said.