Tuesday, November 30, 2010

on vital organs:

should you be so careless as to lose
the pieces of your heart to the marauding
lovers that seek only to consume and flee,
i would be honored to share mine.
between two rib cages and four lungs
there would be one heart beating for two bodies.


thankfuldaisies said...

The feeling that there is no expiry in these words because they are in poetry is...delightful.

prairie.bohemian said...

This is the first poem of yours I have ever read, and I have just read it 5 times. I suffer the affliction of being excessively cerebral, and tend to have difficulties with letting poetry just flow through me; I forecast that exposing myself to your words might just be an effective vaccination against this condition. I think it is about time that I test this theory.

thankfuldaisies said...
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thankfuldaisies said...

Is today a good day?